General Cooling Tower Problems

1. Scaling



4.Microbiological growth

Water Cooling Towers


✔ Due to decomposition of calcium bicarbonate to carbonates ( CaCO3 )

✔ Due to decomposition of magnesium bicarbonate to carbonates ( MgCO3 )

✔ High concentration of Silica ( CaSiO2 )

✔ Dissolved and suspended solids ( when feed water is untreated )

✔ High level of Manganese and Oxides ( MnO2 )

✔ High level of Magnesium & Silicates ( MgSiO2 )

✔ Rate of Heat Transfer and pH of the circulating water

✔ Iron Oxide - Caused by lack of corrosion control or naturally occurring ion being oxidized

✔ Iron Phosphate - Compound caused by poor film formation of phosphate inhibitor


✔ Biological Growth – Algae and fungi formations

✔ Corrosion Products - Due to corrosion activities

✔ Slit - Due to insoluble particles such as Silica

✔ Others - Air particles, Contamination like Oil, Process Leaks etc.,


✔ Metallurgy of the system

✔ pH of the circulation water

✔ Dissolved gases

✔ Suspended and dissolved gases

✔ Water velocity

✔ Microbial growth


✔ Pitting Corrosion

✔ Erosion Corrosion

✔ Stress Cracking Corrosion

✔ Galvanic Corrosion